Friday, August 05, 2005


Many libertarians believe that abortion should either be left to the states or should be an issue of personal choice. I fail to see this viewpoint as being consistent with rational thought and freedom.

Before I continue, let's define what abortion is: abortion is the deliberate termination of a pregnancy by means other than delivery of the baby.

The following is probably the best description of an abortion (from

Main Entry: abor·tionPronunciation:
&-'bor-sh&nFunction: noun1 : the termination of a pregnancy after,
accompanied by, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus;
especially : the medical procedure of inducing expulsion of a human fetus to
terminate a pregnancy

Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law, © 1996
Merriam-Webster, Inc.

Another definition that is quite interesting:

a·bor·tion ( P ) Pronunciation Key (-bôrshn)n. Termination of
pregnancy and expulsion of an embryo or of a fetus that is incapable of survival

Source: The American Heritage®
Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

Following that logic, does that mean that if the fetus or embryo is otherwise capable of survival, then it's murder? Of course, I think that abortion is always murder, except in the case where it will kill the mother to let it gestate to viability, in which case I cannot call it murder because it is a choice of who will die rather than a choice between inconvenience and the death of a baby.

Yes, this means that I am against abortion in cases of incest, rape, and deformation that would not lead to the death of the baby. In cases of incest and rape, the last time I checked, the child is not at fault, so why do they get the death sentence? If the sight of the child causes you unhappiness, put him/her up for adoption, as I am sure there are a lot of parents out there who would be glad to adopt her/him. In the case of deformity, I'll use a personal example to illustrate why I think it's bad. My nephew Michael was among the most horribly deformed children I have ever seen. He had spinabifida, underdeveloped lungs, underdeveloped digestive tract, hydrocephalism, epilepsy, significant paralysis, brain damage, and every time he had a seizure his memory was erased. He lived for almost three years like that. Had he not been fighting, and fighting hard he would have died long before. He could easily have given up at any time, but despite his difficulties, he fought to live. The chance to fight should be given to every person. If the fight is beyond them, they'll go soon. If it's not, then they'll stay alive as long as they can. My nephew only died because someone else screwed up badly and he didn't get appropriate care that could not give himself.

Anyway, back to abortion - it's wrong. It's the deliberate taking of the life of not just a human being, but a baby. The person due the least blame in the entire world is being murdered out of a sense of convenience!

What's worse than this though is partial birth abortion! What kind of psycho can possibly think this horrible travesty is a human right? They take the baby, perform a deliberate breech birth that stops at the head, and then jam seven inch scissors into the skull of this baby, holding its legs so it doesn't kick. If you say this isn't murder I'd like to know what world you live in!

Abortion is murder.



Blogger Bartleby said...

:) Thanks!

What *REALLY* frightens me about abortion is that if we did that same stuff to an ANIMAL we'd go to prison, but because it's a BABY it's OK?

What in the world is that about? I fear this world sometimes.


10:04 AM  

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