Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Ward Churchill

Pirate Ballerina has reported on Ward Churchill making new ridiculous and outrageous remarks. This time around he has exceeded his former glory by having sympathy if not good feelings toward a person who opposes the war but rather engages in mutinous murder by rolling a hand grenade under their line officer.

While I don't think he is typical among liberals, I notice that few if any liberals are denouncing him as a cancer on society. His words are evil, and his only intent appears to be to stir violence and hatred between the varied segments of society. This behavior is typical among liberals.

Liberals regularly identify not with the similarities they see in their fellow man, but in the differences. Ward Churchill seems to think that people who disagree with him are evil. Some may point out that I call Churchill's words evil, but I am not making blanket statements about faceless masses; I am speaking of a specific man who says specific things. I equate him with the people support the murder of abortion doctors; they both support evil in the name of what they believe to be good.

Calling this cretin evil will turn maybe a head or two, but people will go on, content with their lives. In our sick and jaded society, it takes more than suggestions to commit murder to get people out of their chairs...and if someday, Churchill is found at the center of a Helter Skelter situation, he'll be changed into some psycho that never received any support from the left, despite the fact that he remained employed and was frequently hired for speaking engagements by people on the left.



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